Anxiety HP™ by Energique is a high-potency homeopathic formula designed to support emotional balance and well-being. This liquid supplement contains a carefully selected blend of 12 homeopathic ingredients, including Aconitum Napellus, Argentum Nitricum, and Arsenicum Album. This product is crafted to provide a deeper level of support for those seeking natural alternatives to promote calmness and relaxation.
Arsenicum Album 30X, Calcarea Carbonica 30X, Ignatia Amara 30X, Kali Carbonicum 30X, Lachesis Muta 30X, Natrum Muriaticum 30X, Phosphorus 30X, Pulsatilla Pratensis 30X, Staphysagria 30X,Demineralized water, 20% ethanol
Adults and children 5 to 10 drops orally, one time daily or as otherwise directed. If symptoms persist for more than 7 days, consult your healthcare professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years of age.