CARDUUS MARIANUS 3X - Pain in region of liver, liver detox, homeopathic milk thistle
CHELIDONIUM MAJUS 4X - Biliary colic, enlarged liver
CINCHONA OFFICINALIS 4X - Gallstone colic, flatus
METHYL COBALAMIN 4X - Disturbance of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, support of methylation cycle
TARAXACUM OFFICINALE 4X - Liver enlarged and indurated
VERATRUM ALBUM 4X - Copious vomiting and nausea, abdominal pain with syncope
AVENA SATIVA 6X - Debility after exhausting illness
CYNARA SCOLYMUS 6X - Hepatic stimulation
OROTICUM ACIDUM 6X - Liver damage
MENADIONE 6X, 8X, 30X, 200X - Vitamin K. The prothrombin factor important to the control of blood clotting function is necessary for the process of phosphorylation in which phosphate combined with glucose passes through cell membranes and is converted to glycogen in the liver.
A-LIPOICUM ACIDUM 8X - Coenzyme in decomposition of pyruvic acid. It is the output of the aerobic metabolism of glucose known as glycolysis.
HEPAR SUIS 8X - Suis based sarcode of Liver
COLON SUIS 8X, 30X, 200X - Suis based sarcode of Colon
DUODENUM SUIS 8X, 30X, 200X - Suis based sarcode of Duodenum
GALLBLADDER SUIS 8X, 30X, 200X - Suis based sarcode of Gallbladder
INTESTINE SUIS 8X, 30X, 200X - Suis based sarcode of Intestine
LYMPH NODES SUIS 8X, 30X, 200X - Suis based sarcode of Lymphatics
PANCREAS SUIS 8X, 30X, 200X - Suis based sarcode of Pancreas
THYMUS SUIS 8X, 30X, 200X - Suis based sarcode of Thymus
A-KETOGLUTARICUM ACIDUM 10X - Factor of Citric Acid Cycle
CHOLESTERINUM 10X - Cholelithiasis, atherosclerosis, cirrhosis of liver
GLYOXAL 10X - For stimulation of the non specific defense mechanisms in chronic illness
HISTAMINUM HYDROCHLORICUM 10X - Support of detoxification
MALLIC ACIDUM 10X - Factor of Citric Acid Cycle
NATRUM OXALACETICUM 10X - Factor of citric Acid Cycle
SULPHUR 13X - Pain and soreness in region of liver
CALCAREA CARBONICA 28X - Abdomen distended with hardness
OROTICUM ACIDUM 7C - Liver damage. Historically believed to be part of the Vitamin B complex and called vitamin B13, but it is now known that it is not a vitamin, instead manufactured in the body by intestinal flora.
MORGAN GAERTNER 30C, 200C - Bach Paterson Bowel Nosode to support sulphur
MORGAN PURE 30C, 200C - Bach Paterson Bowel Nosode to support sulphur
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