Medium Chain Triglycerides
Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are a special type of fatty acids. Normal fats and oils contain long-chain fatty acids (LCTs). When compared to these fatty acids, MCTs are much shorter in length thus resembling carbohydrates more than fat. As a result, they are more quickly absorbed by the body and metabolized as fuel. Because of this quick metabolism, the calories in MCTs are very efficiently converted into fuel for immediate use in the mitochondria, instead of being stored as fat.
MCTs have been shown to enhance thermogenesis (heat production) in the body, thereby promoting the burning of fat. MCTs contain fewer calories than LCTs, are metabolized quicker, and actually contribute to an enhanced metabolism to burn even more calories!*
MCT Oil can also be used as a substitute for conventional oils in salad dressings, sauces or cooking as a source of beneficial fatty acids. It is not recommended for use in frying due to its low boiling point.
MCT Oil may cause a mild laxative effect.